Here's the basic's, my name is Nicola, I'm 25 years old (ew mid 20's!), 5' 3" and I absolute cannot go a day without having a cup of tea. I mean I live in Britain, we need a good ol' cuppa to function right?
I'm gonna quit the boring stuff and get down to why I have ventured into the world of blogging and why I started CheerFitNG.
I have always been into fitness and how and why certain foods are good and bad for you, what fuels your body and how to live a healthy lifestyle, I'm up for learning new ways of eating and exercising, so I thought I'd write it all down in a cute little blog for me to keep track basically (oh and I love gym clothes, practically live in them, that's ok right?)
CheerFitNG broken down - Cheer, I'm on a UK cheerleading squad. Fit, I like to assume I am somewhat "fit" and NG because it's my initials, finitoooo.
In absolutely no way shape or form am I writing a blog to tell people what to eat and how to exercise, there are millions and trillions of different diets, ways of training etc, people are free to do what they want! I'm no nutritionist or PT, I simply just love exploring food and trying different ways of exercising :)
I hope you enjoy!
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